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Solana Continues its steady rise with a 6.55% increase overnight which makes it a very healthy 25% pump over the last seven days.
Top 5 Coins by market cap, excluding stablecoins and all in Aussie Dollars bitcoin was the top performer
1. BTC $35,883 Up 0.84%.
2. ETH $2,465 Up 0.74%
3. BNB $454 Up 0.02%
4. XRP 58.06c Up 2.90%
5. ADA 58.41c. Up 0.40%
Total Market Cap $1.63 Trillion AUD, market cap in USD $1.13T Dollars
Recommended Bitcoin reading:
1. The Bitcoin Standard by Saifdean Ammous Amazon link:
2. The Sweet Life with Bitcoin: How I Stopped Worrying about Cryptocurrency and You Should Too! by Anthony Scaramucci Amazon link:
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Easily 200 – 600 in the bullrun