Get ready for the future of finance with Bitcoin Foundation chair Brock Pierce as he leads us through the exciting new world of Blockchain. Brock’s unique insight as a premiere venture capitalist and pioneer of emerging methods of finance will leave you yearning for a future with no intermediary financial institutions. Blockchain represents the epitome of disruptive technology, challenging transactions as we know it.
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ABOUT BROCK PIERCE: Brock Pierce is a venture capitalist and entrepreneur with an extensive track record of founding, advising and investing in disruptive businesses. He pioneered the market for digital currency in games and has raised more than $200 million for companies he founded. Brock is an early investor in Bitcoin, founding board member of Omni, and one of the largest investors in the Ethereum crowd sale. He is the Chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation and founder and Managing Partner of Blockchain Capital, the first sector-focused venture fund that invests in Blockchain technology companies (more than 40 to date) and the Bitcoin ecosystem.
hope to meet up in Puerto rico the next crypto utopia
Brock peirce and his links to film producer Bryan Singer..
Research Brock Peirce and DEN
Research Brock Pierce, DEN, and this video. Brock’s links to pedophelia
We must put on the international blockchain cryptography digitalize metaverse internet 2.0 form of thinking we are being enslaved with debt interest an unfair credit controlled systems we need to be able to interact and exchange and help each other in a free and open-source decentralised matter utilizing worldwide free WiFi in order to help each other
HEX coin is extremely desirable to the wealthy
This is how it starts! Like a fever, turns good man, cruel.
hope all the children in the audience have their parents real close and have watched Open Secret…this guy is insane..totally…
This disgusts me, why isnt this pervert in jail
It is great lecture. and very useful to understand basic frame of block chain, thank you so much..Amazing!!
WOW — @ Perspective !!!
Wow, did all of you actually witness this man committing the crimes you find him guilty of? Must of been one hell of a crowd.
The movie first kid
SCAM ALERT for Bitcoin. Someone has created a duplicate account for Brock J Pierce using almost his same name on Instagram. Here is video proof, the imposter is trying to get your money –
The first kid!
INK protocol!!!
Used by criminals ? Oh u mean like you ??? STFU U PIECE OF SHIT !
If this guy is anything like his portrayal in 'Open Secret' he mustn't have a soul.
Cattle farms contain less bullshit. What a scammer.
Here’s the link to watch An Open Secret. Brock’s Secret past. If you think this is a nice man. Watch this and keep him away from children.
this guy is fucking insane
Im sorry but you cant blame a child for a pedophiles fucked up intentions. People lie and manipulate, Brock was himself a fkn young teenager – a genius one at that if you ask me. Don't fkn attack him attack the adults that were around him at the time!!! Cant believe some of you commenting here.
these comments are fucking cancer
hes not a fucking pedo
hes a smart well educated great man whos helping the world
proud to be in the Philippines..
Amazing how this guy abused children, gets away with it and still makes a lot of money. He should not be able to operate.
This world is messed up
So why isn't this guy being shunned by NBC, Hollywood, etc,..? This guy makes Kevin Spacey look like an angel.
I think people should watch 'An Open Secret', a documentary about paedophilia in Hollywood, in which this man was involved.
He was part of the bait in Hollywood, he knew about these young boys being molested. His day will come.
How is he not in jail yet?
Same guy hmmmm? Running DEN out of a Los Angeles mansion, Collins-Rector and his business partners – Chad Shackley and Brock Pierce – hosted lavish parties, attended by Hollywood’s gay A-list.[6] It was at those parties where Collins-Rector, and others allegedly sexually assaulted teenage boys.[7]
In August 2000 a New Jersey federal grand jury indicted Collins-Rector on criminal charges that he had transported minors across state lines for the purpose of having sex with them.[8] After his indictment Collins-Rector fled to Spain together with Shackley and Pierce. Interpol arrested them in May 2002 in a villa in the south Spanish beach city of Marbella. Guns, machetes and child pornography were found in the house. disgusting!!!!