Blockchains are a remarkably transparent and decentralised way of recording lists of transactions. Their best-known use is for digital currencies such as Bitcoin, which announced blockchain technology to the world with a headline-grabbing 1000% increase in value in the course of a single month in 2013.
Despite the digitalisation of several important aspects of modern life, elections are still conducted largely offline, on paper. Since the turn of the century, e-voting has been considered a promising and, perhaps, inevitable development that could speed up, simplify and reduce the cost of elections. It has been seen as a potential means of increasing engagement and turnout, and even restoring links between citizens and political institutions. Using blockchain technology for e-voting could increase transparency while allowing more fluid and decentralised decision-making. It could even introduce new functionality such as ‘self-implementing manifestos’. Certainly, this could be useful for decision-making in many organisations, but could it work on a larger scale, for example, in the European elections?
Listen to Philip Boucher, an EPRS policy analyst, explaining the issues in 3 key questions on blockchain voting.
Or read more about “How blockchain technology could change our lives” in this in-depth analysis:
Why would you want young people to vote??
bottom line: governments don't like it, otherwise it's very much possible to implement it in large scale, how? well, we all hace cellphines
CBDC and apocalypse surely will be introduced first….oh, dear, 'surprisingly' no political will from the EU. ;(
Not safe, can change algorithms that can change the way data is tallied.
with all the exchanges losing money I don't think people is ready to use any kind of blockchain, they don't understand the tech they don't even do their due diligence to understand it before using it and thus they have lost billions.
If all the nodes are controlled by the government, then sorry my friend you are just masturbating and buzzwording with blockchain, is like saying "we are going to use a quantum computer to count the votes" is killing flies with canyons.
I wonder about sybil attacks on a blockchain voting system.
Can you imagine how many more people would vote if you could do it from an app on your phone?
Hello Sir! Please grant us permission for taking your questionnaires in our research paper
Maybe we'll build a world without premier minister and president only ministries that will execute the will of the people starting from small communes that include your district or block.
I wonder if one day we will have a "Blockchain" Government? Why not vote on Policy like this also.
The reason there is no evidence for digital voting increasing turnout is because it has not being done. Do it then assess.
Don´t agree with question number 3.
It is easy to have booth for everyone, who has not device to vote. It is still decentralized, even if older person, for example go to bank or government building to to vote. Blockchain, should therefore be put on…
How he uses the "Voter buying & coercion" as a position in comparing voting systems…… this is analysing coercion..not the efficacy of either voting system..
Vote buying & coercion would be possible in either system. Daft.
You can still have physical voting locations to ensure voting privacy, and use a blockchain based voting registration and counting system. The fact that it would be "physically centralized" isn't really contradicting what decentralization is aiming to fix in this situation.
I was wondering if we could divide my 1 vote into infinite fractions and maybe say cast 0.7 of my vote on one candidate, 0.3 of my vote on another?
That last answer was bullshit. Block chain is layman's terms is trusting a computer to not cheat rather than a slim bag representative. Toshiba voting systems are intentionally rigged to allow votes go be overwritten this was demonstrated and proven as an affective vote rigging mechanism in 2020 elections when 80% of USA voted Trumo and Biden was elected still.
But how about people who possess various devices?
Hahaha fraudelent mail voting….
Blochain is to transparant
If only the united states wasn't becoming a 3rd world country now. If only we thought of term limits decades ago.
to sum up the video : blockchain is a great tool to avoid elections fraud so it will never be implemented in our society. Good job…
Hahahaha. This is sooo funny!!! Now I understand one specific yt video from Sweden which said that their Prime Minister was all white in his face when giving a speech, saying that now he knows what to do. The background story is that the last election in Sweden was stolen/manipulated so the socialists would win! The current PM is that socialist who won! He will never ever win again if there is a system which prevents voter fraud! Hahahaha. This was the best video ever! Thank you! The PM now "knows" what to do! After the next election he will have to go back to being a welder. No, this is not a joke. The PM of Sweden is a welder. And yes, they do have college educated ppl in that country. This information is precious! No more stolen elections! Wow!!!
Who else is here looking for clues after the 2020 election?
Bullshit! Those who control the technology can perpetuate the fraud.
The cons that this guy mentions are misleading and easily overcome.
If the create the blockchain technology with a user interface that mimics the private voting booths with the curtains, then this solves the problem keeping it decentralized while also keeping the feel of privacy.
The EU will not exist in 2024…90% of its members will be tried for Treason and/or Pedophila.
Who else is here because Charlie Ward talked about it on his show with Charlie freak?
Lies and TRASH. It’s computer based which means it’s based on LIES.
I'm genuinely curious as to how this relates to Tom Scott's video?..
Not in smaller organizations. Don't be afraid of little democracy.
Even clunky dlt voting will be better than rigged current ones
EOS and XRP are perfect for this
Excellent explanation, my only caveat is which entity maintains the infrastructure
Very well explained, however biometrics are always going to be secure and having a combination of blockchain and biometrics would be a solution.
Fingerprint scanners are on most new smartphones, and having a fingerprint scanner at a voting station would promote "Voting security". The biometric data should be encrypted to protect individuals identity. The whole system should be independently auditable ie blockchain.
Well explained! Thanks, Philip.